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Panels Competition 2025


On Friday March 07 club members welcomed Matthew Canning who would judge their annual panels competition . Panels consist of six images with a distinct content and arranged in a pleasing attractive and cohesive manner. Entries are made in colour print, mono print and digital projection .

A variety of subjects were explored including insects .flowers ,architecture motor sport and street photography and neglected buildings.

Matthew commencing with colour print offered his detailed and thoughtful comments and advice on all of the work presented.

Matthew took time to analyse each panel drawing attention to the supple arrangement of drawing a viewers eye into the panel using line ,angle tone or colour harmony . The use of diagonal ,triangle or v directional links was much appreciated by Matthew . Colour balance and paper choice were important considerations . Matthew was especially drawn to a panel of beautifully photographed insects and commented on the difficulty and patience required to capture these lively creatures existing in the natural world .

Matthew suggested that sometimes rearranging the order of how the images were displayed could make a panel more appealing.

Matthew was please that entrants had invested their time and energies to present and print a panel reflecting their choice of subject .Doing something different with an artistic result was praised by Matthew.

Turning then to mono print Matthew considered every panel giving comment and advice. Tone, panel layout arrangement angles ,well defined blacks and whites were all praised by Matthew. Print quality and telling a story was noted.

Following a break for refreshment Matthew considered the digital projected images for novice and advanced categories Panels of flowers and canoe sport featured in the novice section .

Colour Print

Leanne Simpson The Tiny World First & Overall Panels Competition 2025 Winner

Edward McCavana Second

Ian Thorn On Circuit Motor Sport NI 2024 Third

Judith Kimber Postcard  From Berlin Highly commended

Mandy Milliken  Battersea Power Station     Commended

Mono Print

Edward McCavana First

Ian Thorn Long Forgotten Second

Mandy Milliken Abstract Architecture Third

Novice PDI

Rona Miller Vintage Flowers first

Keith Hassall Falls Of Solitude Second

Advanced PDI

Mandy Milliken Car Detail First

Alastair Bell Ghosts Of The Graving Dock Second

Leanne Simpson Moments In Pink And Lavender Third

Edward McCavana Highly Commended

Ian Thorn Milk And Roses Commended


Grateful thanks to Matthew Canning for his insightful considerations .

Congratulations to the winners and placed entries in what was an inspiring competition and thanks to all who entered their work which defines the essence of the club's activities.

NEXT WEEK: Gelli Plate Printing Art Display by Gerry Coe

Edward McCavana BNDCC Information Officer



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