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Kevin Pigney - A Passion for Wildlife


Last Friday a nature and wildlife photographer Kevin Pigney ARPS DPAGB ASINWP was welcomed in a joint event by Ards Camera Club and Bangor and North Down Camera Club.

Kevin who lives in Cambridgeshire spoke of his practice and methodology in his chosen genre of photography.

Kevin is an internationally renowned and rewarded photographer whose interest in photography commenced five years ago .He has put together a collection of images taken throughout East Anglia and in addition has permission from a number of landowners to photograph wildlife on their property. Hs is also fortunate to have easy access to a number of local managed nature reserves to which he is able to return to time and time again. He is therefore able to visit a location at the best time of day to make use of the direction of light to give a diffuse background which enhances his subjects in an uncluttered manner.

For Kevin the aim is to get quality images by the adoption of field craft techniques and thus knowing the habits and where his subjects roam . Kevin will often set up a number trail cam devices in order to discover where and the time of day his subjects are more likely to appear.

Kevin relies on a Canon 1Dx mkII and a Canon 500mm f4 lens and says it is never the less essential to get as close to the subject as possible and he will lay on the ground making no movement and patiently wait for his subject to come close. It is thus that timid creatures in time get to be aware that he is not a threat and often come close to him .

Getting down to the level of the creature and obtaining sharp eye contact is so important in achieving a successful image and to isolate his subject from foreground and background distractions. Here Kevin with the camera set and without changing the settings demonstrated how the difference between shooting from standing and lying prone on the ground gives him a desirable defuse foreground and background making the image pop in magical light .

Kevin also will shoot into the light to provide him with abstract rim light and more artistic images but says such images are not always favoured by judges but never the less is attracted by this methodology.

His favourite creature is the hare but also fox, deer, owl , water birds and puffins [which he photographs in Scotland] all feature strongly in his work.

The Bangor club has several members who excel in wildlife photography and the club has an annual competition for animal photography which includes domestic creatures which is always popular.

Such members and indeed all will have gained much insight and inspiration from this outstanding and dedicated photographer.

If you would like to see more of Kevin's work you can visit his web site at



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